Chris McCormack

Make Triathlon Great Again

The official campaign announcement speech: First press conference: TRS rips Ironman CEO, Andrew Messick: Ben trashes Challenge Family CEO, Zibi Szlufcik.  Make Triathlon great again…

35 Years of Ironman Statistics: The Run

Our last installment of this series broke from our analysis of performance in the individual disciplines to provide a little context on bike splits. This…

Macca Does TRS Radio

In this terrific interview the always candid Chris “Macca” McCormack told us where all of the bodies are buried. He went in-depth with regard to…

I rode with Macca at Challenge AC

For the last couple of decades, Ironman has ruled the iron distance with a fist made of some sort of metal…copper maybe. They have made…

Blackout in Mont Tremblant

It’s time to wake up and recognize this lackluster live coverage for what it really is: a purposeful blackout. Andrew Messick doesn’t want you to…